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Joe’s renews agreement with ITOCHU for rebuilding its presence in Japan


LA-based luxury casual lifestyle brand Joe’s renewed its exclusive agreement with ITOCHU. ITOCHU will remain Joe’s exclusive distributor for Japan while its exclusive wholesale distributor switches to Edwin, marking a new step towards rebuilding Joe’s Jeans’ brand presence in the Japanese market including license production by Edwin. As Joe’s Jeans’ strategic advisors in Japan, Foxmark supported Joe’s Jeans from the strategy development process through to the implementation phase. Joe’s Jeans has been a client of Foxmark since 2003.

About Edwin (Japanese only): http://www.edwin.co.jp/about

About ITOCHU: https://www.itochu.co.jp/en/about/profile/index.html

About Joe’s Jeans: http://www.joesjeans.com/

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